System Summary
The Smart Kiosk Solution is made up of six main parts, first is the host, containing the machine's brain: the CPU (Central Processing Unit), and all the necessary memories like RAM (Random Access Memory),ROM ( Read-Only Memory) …etc.
It is also equipped with essential connections to local computer networks like Wi-Fi and Ethernet along with the ability to communicate with other devices via Bluetooth, USBs, and HDMI inputs.
The second part is the panel, which includes digital screens and an adjustment system for optimal viewing angles.
Parts four and five are dedicated to the thermal printer and 2D scanner, while the final part includes a card reader for payment methods (NFC, RFID, MSR).
In addition to these six parts, the Smart Kiosk comes with additional specifications, including speakers, temperature regulators, and power inputs.
Using the Solution
It contains information on how to use the smart kiosk software and details all possible features, such as: add, edit, and delete products, categories, options, etc.
Future Enhancements
This section contains information about content that may be added in the future.
Smart Kiosk Administration
This section contains information about the loggin and loggout processes to access the system.
Logging Out of the System
Simply follow these quick steps to log out:
-First, navigate to Profile:
Your profile is located in the upper-left corner of the page, as indicated by the red underlining in the illustration image below.
-Dropdown List:
Next, click the small arrow next to your profile name (framed in red), and a dropdown list appears.
-Select "Logout":
From the dropdown options (Edit Account, Support, Logout), you can select "Logout."
On this page, you can:
- Visualize all the data that allow you to understand the analytics that matter to your business.
- Scroll down to see the whole pages, where you can track the exact revenues in every branch you have.
- Select the specific branch you want to see on the blue upper button SELECT BRANCH.
This section is used once all the products are set in place, It consists of two parts, the “Smart Kiosk Kitchen Application” and the “Smart Kiosk Customer Display”.
In the “Smart Kiosk Kitchen Application”, you have the choice to select or not the categories you want to launch the tool in so that you can track your orders execution.
Once you click LUNCH, and the following window opens:
- Placed: this means that the customer's order has been received, including payment information, and will start preparing it shortly.
- Active: stands for the orders that are active in real-time.
- Hold: orders that are on hold.
- History: These are the orders that were delivered to the customers.
As for the “Smart Kiosk Customer Display” is for tracking the kiosk orders, whether they are in a preparation phase or ready to be served to customers.
Within the Customers page, we have a set of parameters that provide comprehensive information about each customer:
- #ID (Customer ID): A unique identifier assigned to each customer for easy reference and tracking purposes.
- Name: The customer's full name.
- Type: Specifies the type or category to which the customer belongs, either a company or an individual.
- Phone: The contact number associated with the customer, facilitating communication.
- Status: Indicates the current status of the customer, either enabled or disabled.
- Actions: This section includes three icons, each serving a distinct purpose. The first blue icon allows for viewing the customer's details.
The second blue icon, represented by a pen, enables the editing of customer details at any given time.
The last icon, in red, serves to permanently delete a customer from the list.
We can add a new customer by clicking on the “Add Customer” blue button following the filling process, as represented in the illustration below:
We can also view all customer details in the action section on the right by clicking on the 1st blue icon:
These details show some of the necessary information related to the customer, from their name, email, phone number, and so on.
As for “select status” and “select type”, they are used to showcase the customers status, either as enabled or disabled.
In this section, we can observe all the branches and offices located elsewhere, apart from the main office where business is conducted. We can also find key parameters defining each branch's details:
-#ID (Branch ID): A distinct identifier is assigned to each branch, facilitating identification.
- Name: The official name of the branch.
- Name (Arabic): The branch's name is presented in the Arabic language.
- Client: The client who's associated with the branch.
- City: The location of the branch, specifying the city where it is situated.
- Ref: A reference, can be a code or unique identifier associated with the branch.
- Automation: Indicates whether the branch is automated (automation enabled written in green) or operates manually (automation disabled, in red).
- Tables: Details regarding the number or arrangement of tables within the branch. This feature can be either enabled (in green) or disabled (in red).
- Status: Reflects whether the branch is currently enabled or disabled.
- Actions: On the extreme right, a singular blue icon allows us to view all of the details of a specific branch.
Branch Details
In this section, we can view all the branch details mentioned before. In addition to those, we have the number of tables and the canceled orders from the kitchen status (either enabled or disabled), this feature allows us to know what are the orders that were canceled from the kitchen application.
The Kiosks page is a dedicated section designed to manage and monitor self-service kiosk units within the business. Within this page, the following parameters are essential for configuring and overseeing these units:
- ID: A unique identifier assigned to each kiosk for precise tracking and identification.
- Name: The given name or label for the kiosk, for easy identification.
- Reference: A specific reference or code associated with the kiosk, providing additional organizational context.
- Model: The model (design) of the kiosk, indicating its specifications or version.
- Branch: Specifies the branch or branches to which the kiosk is assigned, facilitating monitoring and control.
- Type: Indicates the type of the unit, which could be categorized as KIOSK, Tablet, or ONLINE, providing insights into its form and functionality.
- Status: Reflects the current operational status of the unit, whether it is active (enabled) or inactive (disabled).
- Sleep Mode: Indicates if the kiosk is in sleep mode, when not actively in use.
Within the POS system, there are two key subsections (Employee and Shift) that play pivotal roles in managing operations, these subsections enhance the functionality of the POS system, providing detailed insights into employee management and transactional shifts.
The first is the Employee subsection defined by its parameters below:
- #ID: A unique identifier for each employee, ensuring precise tracking within the system.
- Avatar: Visual representation, typically an image or icon associated with the employee.
- First Name: The employee's first name.
Last Name: The employee's family or last name.
- Branches: Specifies the branch or branches to which the employee is assigned.
- Phone: The contact number of the employee.
- Status: Indicates the current status of the employee, whether active (enabled) or inactive (disabled).
- Actions: Enables various actions related to employee management represented by the small icons (on the extreme right) in the illustration (Images, Details, Update, Delete).
We also have the Shift subsection represented by the following parameters:
- ID: A unique identifier for each shift, allowing accurate tracking.
- Branch Employee: Specifies the employee associated with the shift.
- Business Date: The date on which the shift operates.
- Opened At: The time at which the shift begins.
- Opening Amount: The initial amount or balance at the start of the shift.
- Closing Amount: The amount or the balance at the end of the shift.
- Expected Amount: The anticipated amount or balance for the shift.
- Closed At: The time at which the shift ends.
This section is very important as it is responsible for monitoring and keeping an eye on all every product and item sold through the kiosk. It consists of four subsections: Products, Categories, Options, and Family Option.To add products to your menu, you need to first create a category following the steps in explained in the next section.
To add a category, first, click on MENU and then on CATEGORIES, and the following window will appear empty:
Click on 'Add category,' and this window will pop up:
Follow these simple fill-in steps to add a category:
- Name: Enter the category name you want for your product (soup, sandwich, drink...).
- Description: You can add a description here, but it's optional.
- Tags: This is how the software will identify your category when your client types it on the kiosk screen. Keep it simple and general (it can be the same as the name). Once chosen, click 'enter' to save it.
- Once everything is set, add an image to your product, then click SUBMIT.
The filled-out page should look like this:
After finalizing the creation of a category (for example: Hot Drinks), we can now add the products that belong to this respective category.
Products are the various items and goods available for selection or purchase. Each product has distinct characteristics that you can customize using the option feature, For instance, if you're ordering a burger, the burger is the "Product,” and within this product, you can then select various options like the type of bread, the size, or any additional toppings.
To add a new product, click on “Add product,” and this window will pop up. Follow the fill-in process illustrated in the image below:
Name: Inter your desired product’s name.
Name (Arabic): Write the product's name in Arabic, if applicable.
Category: Select the appropriate category under which the product falls.
Price: Specify the price you want for your product.
Max Quantity: Define the maximum quantity of the product allowed per order, if applicable.
Status: Indicate the current status of the product, whether enabled (available) or disabled (not available).
Barcode: Assign a unique barcode to the product.
Ref: Include a reference number for internal tracking.
Action: Choose the action associated with the product (for example, search POS+ and enter SKU).
Tags: Add relevant tags for easy categorization and search. Make sure to press “Enter” on your keyboard for the tag to be correctly added.
Upselling: Specify if the product is part of an upselling strategy.
Display: Set the preferred display options for the product (enabled or disabled).
Available for a Limited Time: If applicable, indicate whether the product is available for a limited time.
Description: Provide a comprehensive description of the product if needed.
Image: Upload an image of the product for a clear visual representation.
Description (Arabic): Include the product description in Arabic, if applicable.
Family Option
Similarly to the logic used in “Categories” and “Products”, this section refers to the overall set to which a specific option belongs. For example, "size" is the family option that includes different sizes like small, medium, large, and extra-large; it represents the broader set of choices within a particular product option.
We can break it down as follows:
Family Option: size (encompassing small S, medium M, large L, and extra large XL)
Option: (e.g., XL)
To view this section, click on Family Option :
The following window will appear:
This section is for adding a family option, for example, a double-sized dish
Once you click on ‘Add family option', the following window appears:
Insert a desired name.
As for the type: you will have two options: one-select or Multi-select.
Choose according to the number of selections you want your client to have in this specific option.
Add a description optionally
Keep the limit part 0
Add an image to illustrate your product
Then click on submit.
Options are the specific choices or variations you can select within a product; think of them as the detailed features or characteristics you pick when customizing an item or a product.
After adding a “family option,” you can now add your options, You need to first click on the third section in the menu, which is: «Options.
The following window will appear:
Follow these steps to add your desired options :
Click on ‘Add option’, and the following window appears:
The filling process is similar to that for categories, except you will need to :
Add the price you want on the right.
And a Family Option if found.
Then click on Submit.
As we explained earlier, the goal of this feature is to customize products using desired options.
To add options to your product, first, scroll back to the “Products” section then, click on “Add product” as we previously mentioned. Once your new product has been added, you may add options to it by clicking on “Options” next to "Information.”
Following the filling process for adding a product option, as seen below:
Menu Group
Diving into the Menu Group, the last subsection within the extensive Menu section. This feature allows you to categorize your offerings based on specific criteria, enhancing the browsing experience for your customers.
As shown in the illustration below, you can arrange your products under their respective categories, such as hot drinks, cold drinks, sandwiches, donuts, and more.
Within categories, you can categorize items based on different section types shown as “Name” in the image, like kiosk, tablet, B2B, dine-in, or take-away. Based on their intended use or distribution channel, your products can be presented in a dynamic form with this multi-layered categorization system.
Click on “Add Menu Group”, then add a name for your menu group, select the client, and make sure to enable the status as seen below:
Customization of Products, Options... happens in this section
Options refer to the customizable features within each product. For example, for coffee, options might include the coffee cup size or the choice of milk. For cold drinks, options could involve selecting the fruit blend, sweetness level, or ice preference. And for donuts, options might include flavors, toppings, or fillings.
Similarly to products, we can also add customization to the options, like this:
Product Option
Product options are specific configurations resulting from the combination of a product and its customizable options. This is where you may tailor a product to your liking by selecting from available options. For instance: you might choose a "Medium Roast Coffee" with the option of "Almond Milk" and "Single Shot." Another client manager could customize an "Iced Latte" with the options of "Low Fat Milk," "No Added Sugar," and "Extra Ice."
Sort Menu
The sort menu provides a structured way to navigate and find products. It could involve sorting products based on categories, options, or other criteria to enhance the customer's browsing experience. For example:
Products might be sorted by categories like "Hot Drinks," "Cold Drinks," and "Sandwiches."
Within the "Sandwiches" category, customers could further sort by: products like "Bagel Cream Cheese Oats".
The marketing section of our system is mainly for your promotional activities to engage with your customers effectively. Within this section, you'll find several subsections to manage different aspects of your marketing strategy.
They are the promotional codes that provide discounts or special offers for your products. You can create, manage, and apply them to specific products or orders. To do so, navigate to the Add Coupon button in blue and click on it:
Adding a coupon can be done by following the filling process in the following illustrated image:
After adding a new coupon, you can always view its details, update it, and/or delete it. Utilize the actions represented by the small icons (blue and red) on the extreme right:
- Details: Get comprehensive information about your coupon.
- Update: Modify existing coupon details.
- Delete: Remove a coupon from the system.
The “Groups” subsection is aimed at organizing and promoting specific product sets and creating and managing product groups based on various criteria. To maximize group management efficiency, we can take multiple actions, such as view details, update, and delete any group at any given moment.
To “Add Group,” follow the illustrated filling process:
To add products to your group, click on “+ Add product” in blue, as seen below. Once your product is added (ex., Esspresso), you can view it on the list of products as seen in the illustration. Adding a product option is completely optional; for example, the product is "Esspresso," and the option is “Single Shot.”
Once a group is added, you can apply multiple actions to it (view details, update, delete). These actions can be accessed by clicking on the small icons highlighted below:
For example, clicking on the first blue icon, "details," allows you to view all your group’s details presented as follows:
In the reporting section, you'll have access to deeper details of your business dynamics and performance By examining the different subsections listed below, you can tailor your insights based on specific aspects of your operations.
Where you can efficiently track and manage your order data, enabling you to make informed decisions about your sales performance:
- Total Number of Orders
- Sub-Total
- Total Amount
Order details: By clicking on the blue icon next to a specific order from the list, we can view the order’s details as follows:
We can even print these details by clicking on the yellow icon next to the details icon on the extreme right of the page.
Navigate the driver subsection to assess the performance of your delivery drivers. Track delivery times, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. This data is useful to enhance your delivery operations.
Online Orders
This functionality enables users to browse and place orders using an easy-to-use online platform. From selecting products to selecting safe payment methods, the process is simplified. Real-time updates and order tracking also ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience by improving transparency.
B2B Orders
This subsection is mainly to help you understand the dynamics of your business-to-business transactions.
This subsection is mainly to help you understand the dynamics of your business-to-business transactions.
You can even generate a specific report by clicking on the report you wish to generate, for example, the “Revenue by offers” report selected below:
Configurations are handled and arranged in this section. It acts as a crucial center for managing and modifying different settings.
- ID, Name, Client, Value: Each configuration's specific details are provided in these parts. Name, Client, and Value provide information on the particulars of each setup, while #ID acts as a unique identification.
- For All Clients: This option, which accepts "true" or "false" as values, lets you specify whether a setting applies to every client, ensuring smooth standardization when needed.
- Like the "For All Clients" function, "For All Kiosks" enables client managers to choose whether a configuration should be used for every kiosk.
- Finally, we have activities icons on the extreme right of the page: (Details, Update, Delete)
Three easy-to-use icons are available here to handle configurations: Click on "Detail" to view comprehensive evaluation. Click on "Update" for adjustments, and "Delete" for complete removal of a configuration when required.
Add Configuration: Client managers can add new configurations to the system in this subsection to customize it to meet their unique requirements. This guarantees adaptation and flexibility to changing needs.
Select Kiosk: This allows you to select the particular kiosk that a configuration applies to. Precise customization according to certain kiosks in the network is made possible by these choices.
Search: Having a search bar improves productivity by making it possible to quickly and precisely retrieve configurations based on parameters like name, client, or value. This search bar appears in almost every section of the solution.
To add a configuration, click on “Add configuration,” and the image below will pop up:
Choose a name for your configuration, then add a value, for example, “false”. Choose the client to whom the configuration applies and enable the “default value” status if needed.
If your configuration concerns only some of the kiosks, make sure to select that option in “All/Some Kisoks.”. Click on Submit, and it’s done.
Section Item 5.1
Vivamus efficitur fringilla ullamcorper. Cras condimentum condimentum mauris, vitae facilisis leo.
Aliquam sagittis purus nisi, at commodo augue convallis id. Sed interdum turpis quis felis bibendum
imperdiet. Mauris pellentesque urna eu leo gravida iaculis. In fringilla odio in felis ultricies
porttitor. Donec at purus libero. Vestibulum libero orci, commodo nec arcu sit amet, commodo sollicitudin
est. Vestibulum ultricies malesuada tempor.
Section Item 5.2
Vivamus efficitur fringilla ullamcorper. Cras condimentum condimentum mauris, vitae facilisis leo.
Aliquam sagittis purus nisi, at commodo augue convallis id. Sed interdum turpis quis felis bibendum
imperdiet. Mauris pellentesque urna eu leo gravida iaculis. In fringilla odio in felis ultricies
porttitor. Donec at purus libero. Vestibulum libero orci, commodo nec arcu sit amet, commodo sollicitudin
est. Vestibulum ultricies malesuada tempor.
Section Item 5.3
Vivamus efficitur fringilla ullamcorper. Cras condimentum condimentum mauris, vitae facilisis leo.
Aliquam sagittis purus nisi, at commodo augue convallis id. Sed interdum turpis quis felis bibendum
imperdiet. Mauris pellentesque urna eu leo gravida iaculis. In fringilla odio in felis ultricies
porttitor. Donec at purus libero. Vestibulum libero orci, commodo nec arcu sit amet, commodo sollicitudin
est. Vestibulum ultricies malesuada tempor.